Thursday 11 December 2014

Casting Auditions:

Audition 1: Louie Summers 

Video 1: This video shows Louie acting out the shooting scene within our thriller opening. Louie walks towards the victim in an intimidating manor making the victim look small and vulnerable; as he raises the gun to shoot it is powerful and strong.
EBI: If the victim was put at gun point for a bit longer before he got shot; this would in turn create more suspense and make himself (the villain) more powerful as he has the gun.

Video 2: This video shows Louie re-enacting the busy chase scene that would be held within Piccadilly Circus. It shows him bustling through a crowd of people in an attempt to get through in a hurry. We see him struggle to get through just like you would if it was in London however, in London there will be a larger volume of people around.
EBI: To make this scene more realistic to the final scene we could have got him to chase a person in the video, this would give a more realistic approach on him   trying to get grips on the victim. 

Conclusion: Overall; the auditions went well and gives off the correct vibes, intensity and intimidation needed for our thriller opening. 

Audition 2: Ryan Parish

Video 1: This video shows Ryan re-enacting the very first scene within our thriller opening - the stalk. This video shows Ryan looking down and around watching people and the surroundings; this gives the sense of him looking down on the busy location of Piccadilly Circus and watching the main victim battle through the crowds unaware of the watch going on above.
EBI: If it was more clear as to what exactly he is doing; he could emphasise 'the stalk' by making the look more intense and dramatic; making him look more suspicious.

Video 2: This video shows Ryan re-enacting the chase scene that will be set within Piccadilly Circus in London which is a busy environment. It shows Ryan struggle to get through a crowd of people in a hurry to catch the victim.
EBI: Ryan's body language could be more intimidating and more mission like; his arms being close to his body limits him and makes him more enclosed. Although there are minimal people compared to the volume within London he doesn't show a struggle to get through them he heads for one person and pushes past. 

Conclusion: Overall, the audition went well however he could be a bit ore confident in what he was doing in order to create more suspense and emphasise the intimidation and mystery of being a stalker and a villain chasing the victim through a busy location. 

Audition 3: Abigail Case

Video 1: This video shows Abi walking and looking round suspiciously as to what might be going on behind her unaware that she is being followed. Due to uncertainty looking the first time she then begins to look the second time this time more cautious and begins to pick up speed when the 2 villains behind her begin to follow. 
EBI: If Abi remained a slightly straighter/worried face when turning back around.

Video 2: This video shows the chase scene between the victim (Abi) and the two villains following her to gun point. This video shows Abi running away in a hurry whilst colliding with a pedestrian on her way; when she collided with the pedestrian we see her turn back in a fluster and apology but still keeping the main goal of getting away in a rush key.

Conclusion: Overall, Abi's auditions went really well and shows everything we need to make our thriller a success. Abi being the victim adds questions and she kept in character throughout; looking worried and gave across the feelings as if it was actually happening.

Audition 4: George Smith-Moore

Video: This video shows George cornering the victim - Abi and catching her unexpectedly whilst the other villains are chasing her. George is centered and puts on a bold, masculine and intimidating front which will be a threat to the victim - Abi.
EBI: To make this more forceful George could have kept a straight face and the camera could have been positioned more in order to see George's full body but that's not a fault in George.

Conclusion: Overall, George would be an ideal villain within our thriller opening due to him being intimidating and having the ability to corner the victim. It also creates enigma codes and makes the audience wonder where did he come from? Who is he? What is he doing?

Audition 5: Sam Graham

Video 1: This video shows Sam one of the two villains chasing the victim - Abi and cornering her off, leading her towards the third villain awaiting round the corner.

Video 2: This video shows villains 1 & 2 cornering off the victim preventing her from escaping. Sam and Shivam (other villain) are shown to be intimidating and threatening behind the victim.
EBI: If the clip was slightly longer and if Sam was paying full attention to start with but other than that he full fills his roles.

Conclusion: Overall, Sam Graham would be an ideal actor for our thriller opening and will enable us to create the intense and intimidating vibe we are looking for within our thriller. Sam is threatening and full fills the correct roles well. He has the ability to chase and stand up for himself.

Final Actors:
- Abigail Case
- George Smith-Moore
- Sam Graham

1 comment:

  1. Level 4 excellent
    Although this looks unfinished (audition 4?) there is comprehensive preparation and an understanding of the professional process here. Conclusion are good.
