Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Kieran's Self Grading: Sound

My role within the post-production process of the video was to create the sound in the video. I started by completely muting all audio in the video and then layering this audio to not only seem natural, but also suit the visuals during the sequence.
I feel as if my work is currently a high level 3 or low level 4


  • The sounds are well mixed, creating a natural, appropriate ambiance (including synchronization of footsteps with visuals in some of the earlier shots - had to stop due to time running out)
  • I believe that the choice of soundtrack/music was a good decision, mixing that industrial modern feel of the synthetic drums. I then mixed this track to gain more tension by speeding up/increasing volume at points of suspension
  • Use of dramatic "boom" sound effects to create fear and  creation/release of tension
  • Volumes increase the closer the characters are to the screen
  • The first 20 seconds of the audio has Left/Right audio mixing (best experienced with headphones) when the subject moves from left to right of the screen
  • Ran into deadline issues due to being the final stage, so better time management could be an improvement
  • Added more layers toward the end (was pushed for time)
  • Mixed the volume of ambience between each shot like in the first 20 seconds of the sequence
  • Sync all footstep sequences

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Georgina Waite Self Grading

My role within my production group was to sort, cut and place each of the several clips into the correct order and position.
I feel as if my current work is at a high level 3 however could be improved.

Why a high level 3:
- All the clips are sequenced correctly
- Each clips flows nicely into one another 
- The sequence makes sense
- There are no jump cuts or clips jumping to black screens 

How I can improve and increase my current grade:
- Add in and sequence the extra clip footage (shot on Thursday 5th February)
- Slot in some extra footage of the actors walking (close up) in order to break up some of the longer footage and to also add a bit more suspense
- I could also do the same as above but with the briefcase to add more suspicion

Tanaka's self grading: Editing (titles)

Editing, titles, colour grading: grade high level 3

- titles are integrated in the background, they motion track and the colour grading is done in a mediocre level, setting a thriller atmosphere

-Colour titles to make them fit in the background
-Colour grade better, make bit more saturated